Events – August 2020

Organizing Workshop


Saturday, 05.09.2020, 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Workshop: How to Organize! Health and solidarity in the neighborhood.

Speakers: Marc-René Schwerhoff & Kristina Heller

Location: Polyclinic Leipzig, Taubestraße 2, 04347 Leipzig, Germany

The topics of solidarity, health and neighborhood have not been at the center of public debate for a long time as they were recently during the Covid-19 pandemic. Everywhere - including Leipzig - actions for neighborhood solidarity have emerged, while at the same time the deficiencies in the health care system have come to light. Moreover, it has become more than clear that the harshness with which people are hit by such a social situation depends on various social factors.

How can we maintain these structures of solidarity? Can these structures be the starting point for social transformation processes? Who do we reach with them and how can we become even more?

Under the theme "Health and Solidarity in the Neighborhood" we as Poliklinik Solidarisches Gesundheitszentrum e.V. want to approach these questions and get to know elements of Transformative Community Organzing.

In order to keep the necessary hygiene and distance rules, the workshop is limited to ten participants. We ask for registration under the e-mail address:


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