Politics – August 2019

#indivisible 2019 Dresden


On August 24, 2019, 40,000 people followed the call of the #unteilbar alliance and took to the streets in Dresden. "Together, we not only oppose the shift to the right, but fight for a different, an open and free society, in which people of different religions, origins and genders live together as equals and in which poverty, injustice and discrimination are a thing of the past!"

Together with groups from Leipzig and Dresden, we organized the health block under the slogan "Health needs solidarity" to fight for discrimination-free health care, a solidary and sustainable health care system and an open and free society. You can find the speeches on our Lauti here.

In addition, we appeared at the demonstration for the first time as the Polyclinic Syndicate and secured a place on the big stage. You can watch our speech in the video live stream of the final rally.

For us, the day was a complete success and we are happy that shortly before the state elections such a clear signal was set in Saxony.

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