News – February 2021

We have managed


In the last two months, we welcomed 75 new sustaining members. With the contributions we can now start our projects secured. You now jointly support the basis of our work. We would like to thank you for this! You are great!

From your contributions we can now pay our running costs, such as rent, insurance, administrative costs, etc.. If we get other funds for these items, your contributions go directly into the offers.

In addition to the financial injection we get the motivation boost for free. We have a lot of plans and there is a lot to do. With the social counseling and the neighborhood café, we want to firmly establish two more offers. Also, since the current situation does not allow events and open meetings at the moment, we are working on concepts and ideas.

We are looking forward to being more active in the district again.

Many thanks and solidarity greetings

the Polyclinic Leipzig

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