News – December 2019

We have rooms!


We are completely out of the house, no - in the house! Finally we hold the signed lease in our hands!
From the beginning of the year you will find us in our own premises in Taubestraße 2 in Leipzig Schönefeld - together with CABL e.V. - Clearingstelle und Anonymer Behandlungsschein Leipzig.

We will keep you up to date on how things are going. We want to start with our own offers there at the beginning of February at the latest. The office hours of CABL e.V. are already fixed, you can come to the office hours every Tuesday (17-20 o'clock) and Friday (10-12 o'clock).

Now we are more than ever dependent on your support, we still have some important tasks unoccupied - we are also happy about every supporting membership and donation. After all, we have to pay rent now and want to create first positions soon.

You can find the latest news on our Facebook page and in the newsletter, if you want to receive it regularly, please send us an email.

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