Press – January 2020

Interview at Radio Corax


People's health is strongly influenced by their lifestyles - and by the conditions in which they live. That's why health care today cannot end with medical treatment alone. Nor can it be organized according to economic principles. The current nursing shortage shows where this leads. Rather, health is a social task and a common good. And living conditions and the socioeconomic environment play a decisive role in whether people feel healthy or ill. Collectives in Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden and Leipzig have set out to think about health holistically and in terms of the common good. Their goal is to establish solidarity-based health centers as an alternative to state and private health care. In Hamburg, on the Veddel, there is already such a health center, a polyclinic. In Leipzig, a solidarity-based polyclinic is currently being established. This month, the Poliklinik Leipzig collective moved into rooms in Leipzig Schönefeld. We talked with Marie from the Poliklinik Leipzig about what is to be created there, what one can imagine under a solidary polyclinic, and who is behind it.

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