News – January 2020

Our rooms - briefly introduced


There it is, the Leipzig Polyclinic at Taubestraße 2 in Leipzig Schönefeld. It still looks quite unimpressive, but we already have a lot of ideas for the furnishing and design.
In the course of February, we want to start with our services in the fully furnished polyclinic. The consultation hours of CABL e.V. are already running.

What we need now? Furniture, plants, office supplies, decorations, and much more. We also have a major remodeling project ahead of us: We need to convert a toilet to make it barrier-free.

The Polyclinic


Room 1: Our reception & waiting area

Still pretty bare here.
Imagine anyway: You come in and right there is our reception desk. Here you can get information from and about us and Schönefeld.
You can take tea or coffee and make yourself comfortable at the large window front or in the sofa corner.
There will also be a play corner for children.

Do you have it in mind? We do too

Room 2: Our lecture and workshop room

We want to use this room as flexibly as possible.
Lectures and workshops or larger meetings will take place here.
In addition to curtains, the room mainly needs chairs and tables to make it more comfortable.
Beamer & screen for the first movie night we already have!


Room 3: Office & consultation room

Here we are already a bit further, here is finally also already worked - because this room is mainly used by CABL e.V. - Clearinghouse and Anonymous Treatment Leipzig.
Also there will soon be plants and pictures.

Room 4: Co-Working & Kitchen

The heart of the Polyclinic - this is where planning and discussions take place; this is where Facebook contributions and funding applications are written.
Of course, coffee and lunch are also cooked.
There's already a desk, but we need a few more of them and just about everything that's needed in an office.
In addition, a small kitchenette is to be added to the wall on the left and the door to Room 5 is to be closed.


Room 5: Consulting room

We already have a couch and the most necessary material for a counseling room!
Next to the desk there is a lot of space for everything a room needs for a more comfortable atmosphere.
The room will be used by CABL as well as by us for the different counseling sessions.
Both psychosocial and medical counseling will take place here.

If you would like to support us with the furnishing and equipment, you are welcome to do so with a donation.

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