Events – March 2024

Paths into psychotherapy

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  • Are you looking for a therapy place and don't know where to start?

  • Have you perhaps already made a phone call and still only know the voices of various answering machines?

  • And what is this "cost reimbursement procedure"?

We have deliberately decided to discuss these questions in the context of a lecture. We come across them again and again in our individual psychological consultations and they show that problems in the search for an outpatient psychotherapy place are the norm rather than the exception. The process is complicated and often opaque. Therefore, we would like to talk about ways into (outpatient) psychotherapy and your experiences as well as discuss concrete suggestions and ideas to overcome some of the hurdles. We will also discuss different therapy methods, treatment options and bridging options until you start psychotherapy.

Who are we? Members of the Psychological Counseling team at the Polyclinic who are training to become psychotherapists and have experienced the process from different perspectives.

When: April 15, 5 to 7 p.m.

Where? Polyclinic, Taubestraße 2 in 04347 Leipzig

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