Politics – March 2021

For a feminist solidarity-based health policy


*english below - español abajo - en français ci-dessous*
Content note - Our article addresses sexualized violence and racism without explicit descriptions.

When health is discussed in public or in private, it is often about our individual behavior. However, the fact that the social conditions in which we live also determine whether we become ill or die early is rarely discussed. Yet studies show that poor people die on average 10 years earlier than rich people.

Evidence shows that people who are exposed to unsafe housing and work conditions are more likely to get sick. Just as we know that smoking kills, we should know that poverty kills. It's not just lack of exercise or an unhealthy diet that makes people sick; precarious working conditions, poor housing, and rising rents make people sick. Racism makes people sick.

Everyday experiences of discrimination make people sick! We call all these factors social determinants of health. Particularly disadvantaged with regard to these social aspects are FLINTA persons (this term includes women, lesbians, intersexuals, non-binary, transgender and agender persons).

As a matter of course, FLINTA shoulder most of the unpaid care and custodial work in our society. Whether it's housework, caring for loved ones, childcare, or emotional care, it's a simple calculation:

If we perform this unpaid work, we cannot pursue paid employment, let alone self-care, in the same amount of time.

The consequences are multiple stresses, poverty in old age, exhaustion and financial dependence. While we perform all this, we are also expected to enjoy it. The exploitation of flinta in care, domestic and nursing work makes sick!

Especially since Covid-19 has been raging, it has become apparent how indispensable care and nursing work is to our society. The majority of these care and nursing jobs, such as caring for the elderly and sick or childcare, are performed by FLINTA - and are systematically underpaid. Systemically relevant they are called, publicly applauded. And while large corporations, such as Lufthansa get packages worth millions from the federal government, wages for nursing professions remain in the cellar, staff shortages are fobbed off with motivational words, home care and child care become a private matter.

How can it be that the oh so system-relevant professions are so badly paid and so understaffed?! Poor working conditions and stress make people sick!

Double workload of wage work and domestic care work makes sick!

Flinta can not feel safe everywhere. Every day we defend ourselves against discrimination and sexualized violence.

The retreat into the private sphere due to the drastic lockdown measures meant less protection for FLINTA in particular. Last year saw a significant increase in domestic violence. And at the same time, shelters and counseling centers were only able to operate on a limited basis, making them harder to reach. Even in spaces where this discourse has supposedly long since arrived, incidents of sexualized assault continue to surface. This shows that FLINTA are not sufficiently protected even here, where we move every day and should actually feel safe. Experiencing sexualized violence makes you sick! Being exposed to discrimination every day makes you sick!

These are just a few examples that show that health is a political issue. We at the Polyclinic Leipzig understand health holistically in the sense of the WHO as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely (as) the absence of disease and infirmity".

Health policy and health care must be more than the treatment of individual diseases. It must aim to fundamentally change social conditions and fight patriarchy.

For 5 years our association has been working on the creation of a solidary health center in Leipzig-Schönefeld, which opened last year in Taubestr. Here, primary health care and community work are to take place under one roof in the long term. We want to create a place where health is not only reduced to the absence of physical or psychological complaints. We would like to create offers that go beyond medical care and additionally focus on social and societal influences, for example through counseling, neighborhood cafes and educational offers. In this way, we contrast a model for health care based on solidarity with the current profit-oriented health care system.

Because real health equal chances can be realized only by a fundamental change to a society with equal rights. The equal participation of ALL people is not possible as long as patriarchal structures remain.

Therefore, a fundamental feminist attitude of solidarity must form the basis of our thoughts and actions. And this on all levels - from the private to the political.

In the context of health policy, this means:

The creation of needs-based rather than profit-based health care, better working conditions for nursing and caregiving professions, and access to medical and health care services regardless of social status, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or religion.

A basic feminist stance in solidarity also means a critical examination within our own structures, because here too care work is largely carried out by FLINTA. Patriarchal structures are constantly reproduced here as well. And we cannot change the system if we neglect to reflect on our own structures. Antisexist and feminist work is necessary in every context and not only to be done by FLINTA persons!

We demand a society that enables the participation of ALL people and ends patriarchal violence. We demand a society without exploitation and discrimination!

We demand a feminist solidary health policy!

Because there is no healthy life in a sick system!

Speech Polyclinic- English

When health is discussed in public or in private, it is often about our individual behavior. However, the fact that the social conditions in which we live also determine whether we become ill or die early is rarely discussed.

Yet studies show that the poor die on average 10 years earlier than the rich. Evidence shows that people who have to face insecurities with regard to housing and employment are more likely to get sick. Just as we know that smoking kills, we should know that poverty kills. It's not just lack of exercise or an unhealthy diet that makes people sick; precarious work conditions, poor housing, and rising rents make people sick. Racism makes people sick. Everyday experiences of discrimination make you sick!

We call all these factors social determinants of health. Particularly disadvantaged with regard to these social aspects are FLINTA (this term includes women, lesbians, intersex persons, non-binary persons, transgender persons and agender persons).

As if it were "natural", FLINTA shoulder the largest part of unpaid care work in our society. Whether it's housework, caring for loved ones, childcare, emotional care - it's simple math: if we do this unpaid work, we can't pursue paid employment, let alone self-care, in the same amount of time.

The consequences are multiple stresses, poverty in old age, exhaustion and financial dependence. While we perform all this, we are also expected to enjoy it.

FLINTA's exploitation of care, home and nursing work makes us sick!

Especially since Covid-19 has been raging, it has become apparent how indispensable care and custodial work is to our society. The majority of these care and nursing jobs, such as caring for the elderly and sick or childcare, are performed by FLINTA - and are systematically underpaid. Systemically relevant they are called, publicly applauded. And while large corporations, such as Lufthansa, receive packages worth millions from the German government, wages for nursing professions remain in the cellar, staff shortages are fobbed off with motivational words, and home care and child care become a private matter. How can it be that the oh so system-relevant professions are so badly paid and so understaffed?!

Poor working conditions and stress make people sick!

Double workload of wage work and domestic care work makes sick!

FLINTA cannot feel safe everywhere. Every day we defend ourselves against discrimination and sexualized violence.

Currently, incidents of sexualized assault are being made public in spaces where this discourse had supposedly long arrived. This shows that FLINTA are not protected from sexualized violence even here, where we move every day and should actually feel safe.

Experiencing sexualized violence makes you sick!

Being exposed to discrimination every day makes you sick!

These are just a few examples that show that health is a political issue. We at the Polyclinic Leipzig understand health holistically in the sense of the WHO as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely (as) the absence of disease and infirmity". Health policy and health care must be more than the treatment of individual diseases. It must aim to fundamentally change social conditions.

For 5 years, our association has been working on the creation of a solidarity-based health center in Leipzig-Schönefeld, where primary health care and community work will take place under one roof in the long term. We want to create a place where health is not only reduced to the absence of physical or psychological complaints. We want to create offers that go beyond medical care and additionally focus on social and societal influences through counseling, neighborhood cafes and educational offers.

In this way, we contrast a model for health care based on solidarity with the current profit-oriented health care system. Because real health equality can only be realized through a fundamental change towards an equal society.

The equal participation of ALL people is not possible as long as patriarchal structures remain.

Therefore, a feminist attitude of solidarity must form the basis of our thoughts and actions. And this on all levels - from the private to the political.

In the context of health policy, this means:

The creation of a need-oriented instead of profit-oriented health care, better working conditions for nursing and care professions, and access to medical and health care services regardless of social status, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, nationality or religion.

A basic feminist attitude of solidarity also means a critical examination within our own structures, because here care work is largely carried out by FLINTA. Patriarchal structures are constantly reproduced here as well. And we cannot change the system if we neglect to reflect on our own structures. Antisexist and feminist work is necessary in every context.

We demand a society that enables the participation of ALL people and ends patriarchal violence.

We demand a society without exploitation and discrimination!

We demand a feminist health policy based on solidarity.

Because there is no healthy life in a sick system!

Discurso Polyclinic- español

Cuando se habla de salud en público o en privado, a menudo se trata de nuestro comportamiento individual. Sin embargo, rara vez se discute el hecho de que las condiciones sociales en las que vivimos también determinan que enfermemos o muramos antes de tiempo.

Sin embargo, los estudios demuestran que los pobres mueren de promedio 10 años antes que los ricos. Está demostrado que las personas expuestas a condiciones de vida y de trabajo inseguras son más propensas a enfermar. Al igual que sabemos que fumar mata, deberíamos saber que la pobreza mata. No es sólo la falta de ejercicio o una dieta poco saludable lo que hace que la gente enferme, sino que las condiciones de trabajo precarias, las malas viviendas y el aumento de los alquileres hacen que la gente enferme. El racismo te enferma. Las experiencias cotidianas de discriminación te enferman.

A todos estos factores los llamamos determinantes sociales de la salud. Especialmente desfavorecidas en estos aspectos sociales son las FLINTA (este término incluye a las mujeres, las lesbianas, las personas intersexuales, las personas no binarias, las personas transgéneras y las personas agéneras).

Como si fuera lógico, FLINTA carga con la mayor parte del trabajo de cuidados no remunerado en nuestra sociedad. Ya sean las tareas domésticas, el cuidado de los parientes, el cuidado de los niños, el cuidado emocional... es una matemática sencilla: si hacemos este trabajo no remunerado, no podemos seguir con un empleo remunerado, y mucho menos con el cuidado de uno mismo, en la misma cantidad de tiempo.

Las consecuencias son el estrés múltiple, la pobreza en la vejez, el agotamiento y la dependencia económica. Mientras realizamos todo esto, también se espera que lo disfrutemos.

¡La explotación FLINTA del trabajo de cuidados, doméstico y de enfermería enfermiza!

Especialmente desde que Covid-19 está, se ha puesto de manifiesto lo indispensable que es el trabajo de cuidado y custodia para nuestra sociedad. La mayoría de estos trabajos de cuidados y de enfermería, como el cuidado de ancianos y enfermos, o el cuidado de niños, son realizados por FLINTA y sistemáticamente mal pagados. Se les llama sistémicamente importantes, se les aplaude públicamente. Y mientras grandes empresas como Lufthansa reciben paquetes millonarios del gobierno federal, los salarios de las profesiones de enfermería siguen en el sótano, la escasez de personal se disimula con palabras motivadoras, la atención domiciliaria y el cuidado de los niños se convierten en un asunto privado. ¿Cómo es posible que las profesiones tan relevantes para el sistema estén tan mal pagadas y tengan tan poco personal?

Las malas condiciones de trabajo y el estrés enferman.

La doble carga de trabajo por el trabajo asalariado y el trabajo de cuidados domésticos enferma a las personas.

FLINTA no pueden sentirse seguras en todas partes. Todos los días nos defendemos de la discriminación y la violencia sexual.

En la actualidad, están saliendo a la luz incidentes de agresiones sexualizadas en espacios donde supuestamente este discurso ha llegado hace tiempo. Esto demuestra que los FLINTA no están protegidos de la violencia sexualizada ni siquiera aquí, donde nos movemos todos los días y deberíamos sentirnos realmente seguras.

¡Experimentar la violencia sexualizada te enferma!

Estar expuesto a la discriminación todos los días te pone enfermo.

Estos son sólo algunos ejemplos que demuestran que la salud es una cuestión política. En la Poliklinik Leipzig entendemos la salud de forma holística, en el sentido de la OMS, como un "estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social, y no sólo (como) la ausencia de enfermedades y dolencias". La política sanitaria y la atención sanitaria deben ser algo más que el tratamiento de enfermedades individuales. Debe aspirar a cambiar fundamentalmente las condiciones sociales.

Desde hace 5 años, nuestra asociación trabaja en la creación de un centro sanitario solidario en Leipzig-Schönefeld, en el que la atención primaria y el trabajo comunitario tendrán lugar bajo un mismo techo a largo plazo. Queremos crear un lugar donde la salud no se reduzca únicamente a la ausencia de dolencias físicas o psicológicas. Queremos crear ofertas que vayan más allá de la atención médica y se centren además en las influencias sociales y de la sociedad mediante el asesoramiento, los cafés de barrio y las ofertas educativas.

De este modo, contrastamos un modelo de asistencia sanitaria basado en la solidaridad con el actual sistema sanitario orientado al beneficio. Porque la verdadera igualdad en materia de salud sólo puede lograrse mediante un cambio fundamental hacia una sociedad igualitaria.

La participación equitativa de TODAS las personas no es posible mientras se mantengan las estructuras patriarcales.

Por lo tanto, una actitud feminista básica de solidaridad debe ser la base de nuestro pensamiento y comportamiento. Y esto en todos los niveles, desde el privado hasta el político.

En el contexto de la política sanitaria, esto significa:

La creación de una asistencia sanitaria basada en las necesidades y no en los beneficios, la mejora de las condiciones de trabajo de las profesiones de enfermería y asistencia, y el acceso a los servicios médicos y sanitarios con independencia de la condición social, el color de la piel, el sexo, la orientación sexual, la nacionalidad o la religión.

Una actitud feminista básica de solidaridad también significa un examen crítico dentro de nuestras propias estructuras, ya que aquí el trabajo de cuidado lo realiza en gran medida FLINTA. También aquí se reproducen constantemente las estructuras patriarcales. Y no podemos cambiar el sistema si no reflexionamos sobre nuestras propias estructuras. El trabajo antisexista y feminista es necesario en todos los contextos.

Exigimos una sociedad que permita la participación de TODAS las personas y acabe con la violencia patriarcal.

Exigimos una sociedad sin explotación ni discriminación.

Exigimos una política sanitaria feminista basada en la solidaridad.

Porque no hay vida sana en un sistema enfermo.

Discours Poliklinik- français

Lorsque l'on parlons de santé en public ou en privé, il s'agit souvent de notre comportement individuel. Cependant, le fait que les conditions sociales dans lesquelles nous vivons déterminent également si nous tombons malades ou si nous mourons tôt est rarement discuté.

Pourtant, des études montrent que les gens pauvres meurent en moyenne 10 ans plus tôt que les gens riches. Il est prouvé que les personnes qui sont exposées à des conditions de vie et de travail précaires tombe plus souvent malades. Tout comme nous savons que de fumer tue, nous devrions savoir que la pauvreté tue aussi. Ce n'est pas seulement le manque d'exercice ou une mal alimentation qui rend les gens malades, les conditions de travail précaires, les mauvaises conditions de logement et les loyers de plus en plus élevés rendent les gens malades. Le racisme vous rend malade. Les expériences quotidiennes de discrimination vous rendent malade !

Nous appelons tous ces facteurs des déterminants sociaux de la santé. Les personnes particulièrement défavorisées en ce qui concerne ces aspects sociaux sont les FLINTA (ce terme inclut les femmes, lesbiennes, les personnes intersexuelles, les personnes non binaires, les personnes transgender et les personnes agender).

Bien entendu, FLINTA assume la plus grande partie du travail de soins non rémunéré dans notre société. Qu'il s'agisse de travaux ménagers, de soins de la famille, de garde d'enfants ou de soins émotionnels, le calcul est simple : si nous faisons ce travail non rémunéré, nous ne pouvons pas exercer un emploi rémunéré, et even less nous occuper de nos propres soins, dans le même laps de temps.

Les conséquences sont de multiples stress, la pauvreté dans la vieillesse, l'épuisement et la dépendance financière. Pendant que nous faisons tout cela, on attend aussi que nous devons être joyeux entrain de faire cela.

L'exploitation de FLINTA dans les soins, le travail domestique et les soins infirmiers rend malade !

Surtout depuis que le Covid-19 fait rage, il est devenu évident à quel point les soins et le travail de garde sont indispensables à notre société. The majority of these care and assistance jobs, such as care for elderly and disabled persons or care for children, are paid for by FLINTA - and systematically so. Ils sont nommé, applaudis publiquement, car ils sont d'une importance systémique. Et tandis que les grandes entreprises comme la Lufthansa reçoivent du gouvernement des paquets valant des millions, les salaires des professions d'infirmières restent dans la cave, le manque de personnel est comblé par des mots de motivation, les soins à domicile et la garde d'enfants deviennent une affaire privée. Comment se fait-il que les professions si importantes pour le système soient si mal payées et si peu nombreuses ?

Les mauvaises conditions de travail et le stress vous rendent malade !

La double charge de travail rémunéré et du travail domestique vous rend malade !

FLINTA ne peuvent pas se sentir en sécurité partout. Chaque jour, nous nous défendons contre la discrimination et la violence sexualisée.

Actuellement, des d'agressions sexuelles sont mis en lumière dans des espaces où ce discours est censé être arrivé depuis longtemps. Cela montre que les FLINTA ne sont pas protégées contre les violences sexuelles, même ici, où nous nous déplaçons tous les jours et où nous devrions nous sentir en sécurité.

La violence sexuelle vous rend malade !

Être exposé à la discrimination tous les jours vous rend malade !

Ce ne sont là que quelques exemples qui montrent que la santé est une question politique. À la Poliklinik Leipzig, nous comprenons la santé de manière holistique au sens de la WHO comme un "état de complet bien-être physique, mental et social et non pas seulement (comme) l'absence de maladie et d'infirmité". La politique de santé et les soins de santé doivent être plus que le traitement de maladies individuelles.

Elle doit viser à modifier fondamentalement les conditions sociales.

For 5 years, our association has been working on the creation of a center for solidarity health in Leipzig-Schönefeld, where primary health care and community work will be carried out over a long period of time under the same roof. Nous voulons créer un lieu où la santé ne se réduit pas seulement à l'absence de plaintes physiques ou psychologiques. Nous voulons créer des offres qui vont au-delà des soins médicaux et se concentrent en outre sur les influences sociales et sociétales par le biais de conseils, de cafés de quartier et d'offres éducatives.

Nous opposons ainsi un modèle de soins de santé fondé sur la solidarité au système de santé actuel, axé sur le profit. Because a real equality in the field of health cannot be achieved unless there is a fundamental change towards an egalitarian society.

The equal participation of all peoples is not possible as long as patriarchal structures persist.

Par conséquent, une attitude féministe de base de solidarité doit constituer la base de notre réflexion et de notre action. Et ce, à tous les niveaux - du privé au politique.

In the context of health care policy, this means that

The creation of health care services based on needs rather than on profit, better working conditions for the medical and nursing professions, and access to medical and health care services regardless of social status, skin color, sex, sexual orientation, nationality or religion.

Une attitude fondamentalement féministe de solidarité implique également un examen critique au sein de nos propres structures, car ici le travail de soins est en grande partie effectué par FLINTA. Ici aussi, les structures patriarcales sont constamment reproduites. Et nous ne pouvons pas changer le système si négligeons de réfléchir à nos propres structures. Un travail antisexiste et féministe est nécessaire dans tous les contextes.

Nous exigeons une société qui permette la participation de TOUS et qui mette fin à la violence patriarcale.

Nous exigeons une société sans exploitation et sans discrimination !

Nous demandons une politique de santé féministe basée sur la solidarité.

Parce qu'il n'y a pas de vie saine dans un système malade!

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