Press – March 2020

Solidarity in times of Corona - Opening of the Polyclinic in Leipzig Schönefeld


"The initiatives Poliklinik - Solidarisches Gesundheitszentrum Leipzig e.V. as well as CABL e.V., Clearinghouse and Anonymous Treatment Leipzig, had planned to open their doors at Taubestraße 2 in Leipzig-Schönefeld on 21.03.2020. To avoid direct contact between people and to counteract the risk of further spread of Covid-19, the opening of the district health center is postponed.

The health center explicitly calls for solidarity in the district due to the current Corona pandemic.

We are very sorry to have to postpone the official opening, but hope even so to support the neighborhood in such difficult times and play a part in addressing this crisis."

The full press release can be found here:

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