News – August 2021

Social places in Schönfeld - study started


What are important social places here in the neighborhood? We would like to get to know Schönefeld better!

The district health center Poliklinik has been in Schönefeld for a year. The Poliklinik offers support for medical, social and psychosocial concerns. It is important to us to shape the health center together with the residents of the district and we are currently in the process of getting to know the district better.

This process is currently accompanied by a research project of the University of Osnabrück. There will be three meetings in small groups, to which we cordially invite you. At the meetings we would like to learn more about important social places here in Schönefeld and your perspective on the district. What are such places? Where do people meet? And why exactly there? Why are social places important at all? We will mark the places on a large map of the district. We will serve drinks and cake!

If you have time and want to come on one of the dates, we are looking forward to it! Please contact us by mail or come to Taubestraße 2 from August 30th.

When? - Dates for the group meetings

Monday, 13.09. 17.00 - 19.00 o'clock

Wednesday, 15.09. 10.00 - 12.00 o'clock

Saturday, 25.09. 13.00 - 15.00 hrs

Poliklinik - Solidarisches Gesundheitszentrum Leipzig e.V.
in Taubestraße 2 in Schönefeld (access is
barrier-free, only to the toilets unfortunately not)

Opening hours from August 30: Mon - Thurs 11 am - 5 pm
: frpotthoff[at]
We are looking forward!!


What are important social places here in the neighborhood? We would like to get to know Schönefeld!

In order to get to know Schönefeld better, we invite you to tell us about places within the district that are important to you. Where do you like to go? Why exactly there? Where do people meet? What makes these places special?

We would like to talk about all this and mark the places together on a map of the district. This process is part of a research project of the University of Osnabrueck. We invite you to one of the three dates to have a talk in small groups and together create a map of the district. There will be drinks and cake!

We would be very happy if you come. You can let us know either by mail or just drop by at Taubestraße 2 from August 30th.


Monday, 13.09. 17:00- 19:00

Wednesday, 15.09. 10:00- 12:00

Saturday, 25.09. 13:00- 15:00


Poliklinik - Solidarity Health Center Leipzig e.V.

Taubestraße 2 in Schönefeld (the access is barrier-free, only to the toilets unfortunately not)

If speaking German is not so easy for you and you would need or feel more comfortable with a person to translate, please tell us and we will try to make it possible for you to join the group.

Opening hours from August 30th: Mon - Thu 11:00- 17:00
Mail: frpotthoff[at]

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